Tidewater EMS Inventory Management for emergency trailors (C#, WPF) used to track equipment location along with availability, expiration, and replacements

This project is maintained by PerditionC

Overview of database structure:

The database is normalized into the following tables:

– Site and equipment definitions

– User information

– Item information

— Reference tables:

— Item information (the meat of the program/DB)

— optional additional information stored for items

– Service and usage events

See TEMS_Inv.db.sql for detailed schema DDL to create a blank DB. Additionally, the included Add_#_*.sql files can be used to provide the initial data.

The database, and corresponding application, is designed to run both in normal times and when an event has occurred requirement deployment of the trailers. In such case there may not be Internet access or at least to a centralized server. Therefore the database is designed and application can perform synchronization / replication from a disconnected state assuming a copy of the updated database files can be transported by some other means, e.g. a USB flash drive, online file sharing, SMB/NFS share drive access, etc. In this offline mode, there can be any number of replicas and in any state of sychronization. Currently last change wins if there is a conflict with an update. The only potential conflich that can not be automatically handled is if two or more sites add new items to the ItemType table an assigne the same ItemTypeId to differing items. Although not currently provided, the database also supports online mode - a centralized server can be used to keep all remote databases in sync, allowing realtime updates from other locations. The lastSync field is reserved for this use case. Note: a DB file can be used for both offline and online mode alternating as often as needed.

Each of tables exist along with a shadow table which contains all deleted rows [unless purged].

The shadow table has same name with a _ suffix and the same columns as primary table with an additional del_timestamp column indicating when the row was deleted from the primary table and added to shadow table.

All primary keys contain a text representation of a GUID unless the pk is naturally globally unique - this is required to allow proper replication of disconnected clients [i.e. AUTONUMBER INTEGER rowids can not be used or distinct changes may clash when synchronizing client databases].

All timestamp fields are stored as a bigint INTEGER alias (minimal 64 bit integer assumed). We create a timestamp column for every table that we want to be replicated - this ensures we can use a last change wins policy for conflicts and other similiar scenarios.

All date/times are stored as a bigint INTEGER alias assuming local time. It is expected that all users are in the same timezone. All date/times are when an event did or is going to occur or are a relative time frame of when the next event should occur, e.g. 6 weeks from some arbitrary date.

All strings are stored in UTF8 encoding [mostly ASCII] and lengths provided are the assumed length for any programatic manipulation (i.e. display, copy, etc). Note: SQLite does not enforce length but the program does and may truncate any data larger than specified.

Blob data is of unspecified length and generally will contain a complete embedded file such that if written to disk with no changes will be a valid file of expected format (image file, word processor document, …)

All foreign keys have an index, see SQLite foreign keys documentation, recommended as those columns queried if parent table row is deleted. Contraints of foreign keys are deferred until the transaction is committed, this relaxes the order rows must be inserted into the DB which may help avoid some replication issues (since we have limited control over order tables processed during synchronization). Check is done immediately if not currently within a TRANSACTION block. Note that ON UPDATE CASCADE clause is not used as the primary key of the parent table must not change if replicas are to see changes to the row - therefore if a pk must be changed it must be done via an add parent row, update child row, and delete original row so the replicas can also see and make the changes.

Note that NOT NULL is required on the primary keys, otherwise SQLite will allow NULL pk values due to backward compatibility with earlier versions. Additionally to ensure the current transaction and not just current SQL statement is aborted (rolled back), the INSERT or UPDATE statement should add either OR ROLLBACK or OR REPLACE as needed instead of default OR ABORT; do NOT add to the schema a conflict resolution on constraints of ON CONFLICT ROLLBACK; this will cause an error during replication as the changeset apply triggers a conflict causing unexpected rollback to occur.

On each UPDATE we invoke a trigger that sets the row’’s [last modified] timestamp value. To allow the timestamp to be explicitly set (e.g. when replicating, we use the original timestamp instead of when the replication modified the row), we only modify the timestamp if new value is NULL or the same as the old value (i.e. not provided or unchanged).
635019330320182000 ticks to Jan 1, 1970 Note: to avoid needing extra math and cross platform issues, the timestamp is stored as a simple milliseconds since the Unix epoch (nanoseconds, i.e. ticks) are not needed.

On each DELETE we invoke a trigger that will either add a new row to shadow table with values prior to deleting row and set del_timestamp to current date & time or if the row was previously deleted [and restored] then we replace values in shadow table with most recent values and update the del_timestamp to current date & time.

For synchronization with a !central db only! there is a field lastSync which contains the timestamp of when this item last sync’d; if NULL or before timestamp then this row has changes that need to be be sent to central db# two methods of sync’ing are used, one to central db service if available and computer has networking; second is manual sync’ing directly with another sqlite db (both can be used, i.e. online computers maintain up to date via connecting to central db; if central db is not available either due to local issues or issues with server then db can be manually sync’d with other locations by direct method; and then back to server if connectivitely returns)

– PRAGMA foreign_keys = “1”;