Tidewater EMS Inventory Management for emergency trailors (C#, WPF) used to track equipment location along with availability, expiration, and replacements

This project is maintained by PerditionC

Tidewater EMS Inventory Mangement

This is the Tidewater EMS (TEMS) Inventory Management program for emergency trailers.
It may be used to track equipment location within a trailer along with availability, expiration, and replacement information.

For user documentation see the usage guide.

For development information, see the

Written in C#, with initial version a WPF application with Windows XP compatibility. Future releases will be cross platform and drop support for pre version 7 of Windows.

Portions copyright 2017-2019 Kenneth J. Davis and other respective authors. This software is licensed under an APACHE 2.0 license, with portions based on source licensed under MIT, BSD, APACHE 2.0, and Microsoft Public License; see CREDITS.md for details. TEMS, Tidewater EMS, and other trademarks belong to their respective owners.